Attendance Guidelines
In an effort to ensure that all students are present and on time, Antietam students and parents are expected to adhere to the Prince William County Attendance Guidelines. Because every child's presence is important to us, we will be contacting you in writing on your child's third, fifth, and tenth absence/tardy per grading period. All absences/ tardies will be entered as unexcused unless a written note and/or phone call is received to verify the absence/tardy.
If you are planning an absence (not due to illness) for more than two days, a written letter needs to be sent to Mrs. Garcia and Mrs. Rodriguez one week prior to the expected absence. Many factors are considered in approval or disapproval of these absences. Parents will receive notification of the principal's decision. If the extended absence is not approved, the absences will be considered unexcused.
In following Section 22.1-258 of the Code of Virginia, "Whenever any student fails to report to school on a regularly scheduled school day and no indication has been received by school personnel that the student's parent/guardian is aware of the student's absence, the parent/guardian will be notified by the school," the office personnel will attempt to reach the phone numbers on the emergency card to verify the absence.
Supervision Guidelines
According to the Department of Social Services, NO child 8 years or younger is to be left alone at home without adult supervision. Additionally, children between the ages of 9-11 may be left alone without adult supervision for no more than one and one-half hours.